Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our Call

Our mission call is to New Zealand, to the south island, in the city of Christchurch.  We are to serve in the CES program (church education system) and will teach two institute classes near the Canterbury University.  We will also oversee ten volunteer seminary teachers in the local area.  So, there will be a bit of driving involved.  Our flat is a five minute drive to the institute and only a fifteen minute walk.  When we arrive in New Zealand, it will be summer and shortly after fall.  I guess we will have two winters this year.  Actually, everyone we have talked to said that they have never been as cold in their whole life as they were in NZ.  We know that the members show up to church with coats, gloves, hats, and blankets.  After about an hour of church, they can start peeling off layers.  So, needless to say, we are preparing many layers to take, especially Sister Blackwell.

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